Wednesday, July 30, 2008


A common problem in Arc is that macros - even well-designed ones - can introduce subtle bugs. I thus propose the addition of a new axiom, a special form called symeval.

For example, consider a library which has a complicated global function:

(def cplx-fun (sym trap val)
  (some-complex-expression sym trap val))

Now the library designer intends to use this as a somewhat-internal function; what he or she expects people to use is a macro that wraps the call:

(mac cplx (val . body)
  (w/uniq sym
    `(cplx-fun ',sym (fn () ,@body) val)))

And of course, all is well and good... the library was so useful and powerful that people no longer felt the need to actually look inside the library and bother with how it was implemented.

Until the day, of course, where some random newbie decided to do this:

(def my-fun (x)
  (let cplx-fun (fn (tmp) (cplx 42 tmp))
    (cplx answer
          (cplx-fun x))))

Unfortunately, the global 'cplx-fun was overridden by the local version. So now the newbie had to bother with how the library worked, when it was already so good and perfect that nobody should have had to.


I thus propose the addition of a new axiom, 'symeval. symeval is a special form, like fn or if, and thus cannot be overridden at all.

symeval will evaluate its argument, and check if the result is a symbol. If it's a symbol, it evaluates the symbol in the global environment.

As an optimization, the implementation can treat something of the form (symeval 'foo) as being equivalent to an ordinary global variable read; the important thing is that (symeval 'foo) will always read the global variable regardless of the existence of any foo variable in the same context.

This should be trivial to add in arc2c and hence in SNAP: we need only to replace symeval forms (probably in xe) with global variable references if the form is quoted, and transform it into a primitive otherwise.

Thus the macro is now:

(mac cplx (val . body)
  (w/uniq sym
    `(symeval!cplx-fun ',sym (fn () ,@body) val)))


Anonymous said...

Since "symeval" evaluates in the global environment, how about calling it "global"?

`(global!cplx-fun ',sym (fn () ,@body) val)))

This makes the usage nicely descriptive: I'm getting cplx-fun from the global environment.

Alan Manuel said...

Well, yes, that could be done too ^^ 'symeval is the classic Lisp name for a function that does exactly this though. On the other hand what I propose is an axiomatic special form, so... yeah, it certainly looks good that way.

As an aside, this is now implemented in arc2c (as 'symeval) although it's possible to fall victim to unused global removal - probably have to modify that step too ^^